Thursday, 5 July 2012

My vision for this blog...

Blah blah blah...<Insert boring shit about my personal philosophies and world economics and being green and environmentally friendly and all that crap>... blah blah blah

Right, that done, I want to outline the point of this blog. I'm REALLY addicted to Pinterest and I LOVE crafting. I turn my hand to whatever takes my fancy and I really enjoy learning new things. So pinterest is really dangerous for me. My boards are full of all the things I want to try from crochet projects to cardmaking, anything and everything involving fabric, papercraft and feltwork. I love it all. I also love handmade stuff and am really into cooking - especially when it involves homemade sweets and chocolates. I plan to make a whole load of homemade sweets in jars as Christmas presents this year (this all started from a 'cheats chocolate fudge' recipe I nabbed off one of Nigella Lawsons shows - I'll be posting that around Christmas time too as I made some tweaks to the recipe to suit our tastes).

Which kinda brings me onto what I want to do with this blog. I have loads of really cool stuff I've found or done pre-pinterest that I do regularly as a 'fun' project or just to experiment with a new medium and I wanted to share some of it.

I want to share everything from my fun christmas felt ornaments, felt bunting and Nyan cat cross stitch to the awesome Steak and Guinness recipe I kinda invented off the back of my mums slow-cooker casserole receipe (none of this faffing around, it's really really easy - even someone who can't cook can cook this!). I've also made my own jewellery for years.

I also want to share my successes/failures with my Pinterest projects. All these bloggers I read make it all look so simple. They are all so proficient with a sewing machine and so experienced with 'Mod podge' (whatever that is - I guess in the UK we'd call it watered down PVA, oh or decoupage glue but hey...). Me? I only have one foot for my sewing machine and that is a basic presserfoot. I can't sew in a straight line and I'm hopeless with seam allowances. That being said, I am ambitious so hell, I'll give it a go.

So. Keep an eye out and hopefully I'll have my first post soon. It'll either be the Steak and Guinness recipe or a Maxi Skirt tutorial I found that I plan to use on some GORGEOUS Sari fabric I bought several years ago.

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